Learn from the experts
Register today to join fellow clinicians for an
interactive, educational program exploring...
The Power of the Microbiome
Can it be unlocked to break the cycle of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection?
Program Educational Objectives:
- Understand the role of the microbiome in overall health
- Explore the relationship between the gut microbiome and C. difficileicile infection (CDI)
- Review the risk factors and pathobiology of CDI
- Assess the current burden of CDI and recurrent infection
- Evaluate the current management of CDI and the potential of microbiome-based therapeutics

to learn more about upcoming programs and featured speakers.

This is a non-CME event and does not qualify for CME, CE, or MOC credit.
To facilitate a meaningful educational discussion, this program is only intended for healthcare professionals having appropriate medical specialties. Please be advised that spouses and other guests are not permitted to participate unless they are also HCPs with the same medical specialty and background as the invited HCP.
Thank you in advance, and we look forward to your participation.